Community Well-Being

YMCAs offer people of all ages and backgrounds a venue to improve their physical, mental and social health, make connections and feel a sense of belonging in their communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created fissures in our society. Investments in YMCA programming can improve community well-being by providing opportunities for people to connect, engage in healthy activities, and build social cohesion and capital.

  • Recommendations
  • Invest in Community Sport and Recreation: this will improve community health and well-being by encouraging individuals to participate in free or low-cost programs and allow organizations like the YMCA to continue to provide programs and services across all age spectrums in urban, suburban and rural communities.
  • Ensure Ministry of Health investments prioritize upstream health and wellness solutions: a healthy and active community will reduce health care costs and strains on the system later in life by reducing the instances of chronic disease, mental illness and setting people up for a lifetime of healthy habits.


Neighbourhoods that report lower levels of well-being also experience higher percentages of chronic disease, premature mortality and children at risk of negative outcomes. 

People who participate in YMCA programs and services experience better outcomes in well-being, health and belonging. And the very presence of a YMCA in a community is an indicator of better wellness outcomes for all residents.